
Monday, April 14, 2008

Surprise Award

After a hectic two weeks on the road, covering in the region of 3,000 miles and including the previously mentioned memorial run - plus ministry at Spring Harvest in Skegness, then onto Holland to take a wedding, (also took the family) and a return to Reading to take Tim's funeral in there, compounded into a period of mixed emotions indeed. As usual on my return, there was a heap of messages to catch up on including several from Swansea Bay Radio. Turns out, they were running a series of community awards and I'd been nominated and won the 'Good Samaritan' catagory and the presentation was only two days away! Not being used to this kind of thing, it came as a complete surprise and I'm very grateful and pleased for all associated with Zac's - particularly those who volunteer time to work among the homeless community through our ventures.

So suitably suited and booted we went along to a Hotel for an evening of presentations from the great and the good hosted by Swansea Bay Radio. Local celebs and noteables handed out the awards in the 12 catagories, The Storys and Helen Enser Morgan performed and Mike Doyle did a fine job of mc-ing. The lasting image in my mind though was of young ten year old Georgia who, after having collected her award for 'carer of the year', (for looking after her mum who suffers with crippling arthritis), shyly snaked her way back through the tables to her seat, whilst all eyes had now turned to the stage where the Diamond Girlz were shaking their bits and bobs under the spot light. For a fleeting moment Georgia held the limelight, but now clutching the glass award, a much brighter light burned deep within her and those who love her as the stage lights pointed elsewhere. I'll post a few pics from the evening later, but for now here's one with the most famous person I had the pleasure of meeting last Thurs evening, Georgia.

In the meantime my deepest gratitude to Lor and Steve for the nomination.

1 comment:

Liz Hinds said...

Bless her, she's a sweetie!

Nice suit!